Tuesday 13 January 2015


I had a little bit of spare time and thought that this brief would very much so benefit from the final outcome being printed out on card as I had initially intended, as I was not happy with my original final outcome at all.
These are the final photographs for this Studio Brief, with the cards printed onto card instead of normal printer paper.

These are my final cards printed out on card. I arranged them in this kind of fan layout to try and get a little view at all of the cards without lying them out flat next to each other. They feel a lot more sturdy and professional then beforehand, and I feel now presents my work in the best light.

Front page.
One of my destination places. The layout is the same for all the other cards.
This is my survey analysis page.

Initially I printed my cards on A3 card, however the printer didn't like this very much, as I was only printing them on the laser printer in the studio. The paper kept on getting jammed in the printer unnecessarily, sometimes even before it had gone in properly. The colours in the print out that eventually work was also terrible and patchy, and the colours just weren't anywhere near as bright as they should be. To resolve this I cut down the pages to A4, as I printed the title page out first on A4, and this printed fine, so I thought this could work for the rest of my pages. It did work, but it was just a faff to have to print on A4 paper, as I had to print on twice as many pieces of paper, which was very time consuming.

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