Friday 13 February 2015


For our final critiques, we had a similar kind of critique as for our interim critiques, where we presented our final design(s) and left an analysis sheet next to it for other people to fill in. This again meant that we couldn't speak for our designs, but that they had to be strong enough to speak for themselves. Although I presented two designs, each person was only allowed to give feedback on one design. I only got feedback from one person, which meant that I only got feedback on one design, which I was a little miffed about, as when I gave feedback to other designs, most of the designs had at least two pieces of feedback.

These are the two designs I presented as my final outcomes.

My feedback.

Looks like an eye with a brain as a pupil. Brain resembles camouflage print. Solid block colours used throughout. Left side of brain consists of shades of pink/purple and right side consists of shades of blue/grey. The eyeball is white on a blue background.

The eye as the witness and the brain represents mind control. Brain is also a good image to use because it represents mental health issues raised in the anxiety of the song.

Very straightforward meaning - simple yet effective. Communicates the lyrics well without overcomplicating.

Clear message however colours don't represent technology that well - brighter colours would represent it better. We like the colour choices so maybe just add the brightness?
Because it is done digitally all the colours are flat, maybe a screen print would be best for the final outcome to give it texture.

I thought that the feedback I received was very useful, as it answered some of my questions as to whether the half brain idea works, or if people don't understand it's meaning. I just wished I had received more than one piece of feedback on my designs, as this would have given me a clearer idea of whether something works or not, rather than just one person's opinion. I think that because my assessor chose to give feedback on my brain design rather than the lightbulb one, I feel this means that they preferred the brain design, as otherwise they would of given feedback on the other one. This at least has helped me to realise which design works best between these two.
If I have enough time before the deadline for Secret 7, I will try and improve this design based on the feedback I have received in both my interim critiques and in these critiques as well, to see if I can find a better resolution.

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