All three languages of the guide. |
You can see the saddle stitch binding and the green thread used to bind the guide. The green thread blends in really nicely with the green stock front cover and green leaves. |
Close up of the recycled stock next to the green stock. |
An issue with the binding method was that the thread went through to the centre of the guide, and cuts straight through the title text, which is a shame, though you can still read it. |
This guide is effective in teaching companies how to be more sustainable, not only in how to tell if wood is legally and sustainably sourced, but also in their daily lives, and how they can show their support of the rainforest, and do their bit to help, through the content featured within. The stock used was all recycled as well except for the front cover, which promotes sustainability. Ideally I would of liked the front cover to be recycled stock as well, however I didn't have any green recycled of the right weight, which is something I should of thought about when buying the stock initially. The thread used was 100% cotton so it is biodegradable, however whether it is produced sustainably I have no idea. This is something I could of looked more into finding recycled thread if I had had the time. The 3 different languages ensure a lot of people from around the world will be able to read it and take inspiration from the content.
English poster. |
French poster. |
Portuguese poster. |
This is a close up of the QR code in the bottom right corners of the posters, which you can scan and it takes you to the digital version of the guide on ISSUU. |
I am fairly pleased with the posters, as they convey the right message of supporting the rainforest, however the leaf pattern does edge them slightly towards the feminine side. The message itself however is bold and obvious, which is great. The inclusion of the QR code was a real last minute afterthought which is a really effective idea, as it links the posters to their respective guides, which connects the two together and promotes the guide more extensively for those who happen to see the poster.
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