Friday, 17 October 2014


After my last interim critique, I have selected and refined 10 typeface designs I thought were the most effective, and that got the best feedback from my peers. I drew a few letterforms in both uppercase and lowercase, and also tried drawing some glyphs as well, to see how it would work in non-letterform.

This is my first design idea where I have elongated the serifs to make them appear to be closer together, as social people like to be surrounded by others.

This is my second design idea where I have made the letters at an angle to make them appear like they are leaning on one another for support, or possibly drunk as well.

This is my third design idea, and is the simplest of my designs, where all I have done is increased the weight and made the edges and serifs rounder, more curvy, to give a more friendly appearance.

In my fourth design idea I have made the letterforms out of cake, only including sprinkles and the icing striped so you can make out the layers of icing, so it doesn't just look like a blob. I like how on the top of the lowercase "i" the candles are at an angle on top of the serif, as it makes it look like someone is blowing out the birthday cake candles.

This design idea is a development from design idea 4 as I have blocked in the whole letterforms and not included sprinkles or striped icing. I did this to help make it work more as body copy text, to try and simplify it, however I am afraid now it doesn't really look like cake at all, just a wiggly letterform.

I developed the bottle typeface design idea, as I thought and from peer reviews, that with the letterform as a whole it was hard to make it out as being a bottle. I therefore modified it to leave a gap in between the bottle and the rest of the letterform, so that the bottle is a lot more identifiable.
Design idea 6 was a result of the development shown in the previous photograph, and I think this works rather well as a typeface design. Some letters were harder to produce than others, the "L" and the "I" for example, as although they both were at the correct height, because of the bottle cap, the letters just looked stumpy.

In design idea 7, I have made the letterforms out of exclamation marks. This works really well in some letterforms such as "l" or "i", however in "O" for example it just looks like a pattern rather than an exclamation mark, due to the shape of the letterform.

In this design idea I have elongated my letterforms to make them stand out more, as stereotypically social people like to be the centre of attention, leading the way in events, and I chose to represent that in this manner.

Design idea 9 has been made rounder with rounded slab serifs, to show the strength and extrovert qualities of a socially confident person. I also made some of the letters a bit wonky to make it look like they're a bit unstable, as sometimes at social events alcohol is involved.

Finally, design idea ten includes eyes in the counters of letterforms, as sociable people like to be in the know of what's going on in the social circle. I kept the letterforms with a heavy weight and round to make them look friendly. My only problem with this typeface is that the eyes could look a bit hallowe'en-y.

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