Monday 5 January 2015


I presented my fact file cards to a group of my course friends and my tutor today, and I thought I could of done better than I had. A lot of people had produced digital presentations, which helped their oral narration of their outcome be a lot more fluent and organised. I had only printed out my fact file cards on paper in the morning, so wasn't prepared at all. I am very pleased with my fact file cards, however I wish I could of had time to print them onto card and cut them out, which would make them look a lot more aesthetically appealing. Because I didn't have a chance to print them on card before my presentation, I wish I would of put my fact file cards onto a digital presentation, to show them in their best light, as printed off badly onto normal printing paper doesn't reflect the effort I had put into them. I am hopefully going to print off my fact file cards onto card for module submission if I have time, to show that I have actually produced something substantial that a lot of research has gone into. I cannot do anything about the digital presentation, as this has already passed, but for the next brief that requires a presentation I will be sure to produce a digital presentation. 
My tutor commented that for the next brief, where I have to produce a product that resolves a problem in my research, I may struggle because of how specific I have been in my research. They said that I could produce a travel guide, but that has already been done before and there are so many travel guides around I'd just be adding to the masses. They commented that I should think really carefully about what product I could produce, and could perhaps produce something that educates people on were places are within the world, as I found out that many people don't know where a lot of places are.
Following on from this feedback, I think I need to produce a really extensive mind map for Studio Brief 4, which we have been briefed on today, and where to take my research.

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