Friday 2 January 2015


I chose cities to research by thinking about the cities I want to visit, or have already been to and loved. I tried to include cities from all over the world, rather than just from Europe or Asia for example. I also found cities to research by going onto Google Maps and picking random cities in countries I thought could be quite interesting and searching them on Pinterest and Google Images to see if they looked interesting or had any iconic landmarks that could be interesting to write about. 
After I had decided what cities I was going to research, I had to decide what kinds of things I wanted to research about these cities that would prove interesting material. I thought about the more ordinary things I could research such as where it was within the world, what it's currency was, and what the cities main attractions were, what people who come and visited the city are most likely to see and do. I also started off researching how many tourists visit the city every year, but this proved really difficult to find out for more than one city, and wasn't worth my time finding out, so I scrapped that piece of research, although I wish I could of included it in my research, as it would show if the cities main attractions are as popular with tourists as their importance deserves, or if the world perceives them as being grand and important, but nobody ever goes and sees them. Then I decided to do some of my own research rather than just Googling all these facts, so I made my own questionnaire on SurveyMonkey containing the questions; what is your gender? What one word would you use to describe each city with, or associate with it? Where do think each of the cities is within the world geographically? Have you ever been to any of the cities above, if so which ones? I felt these questions provided a personal response, one that is individual to the person answering and their perceptions of the world. I added the last two questions on at the end, whether they had been to any of the cities, to see if their answers were influenced by whether they had been to any of the cities and would therefore have a lot more knowledge of their geographical positioning and what they're famous for. I posted the link to my survey on Facebook, Twitter and also Tumblr, to try and get as many responses as possible from a wide variety of people. I made my survey short and easy to fill in, with mainly one word answers that didn't require much thought to make people more likely to fill it in once opening the survey.

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