Sunday 4 January 2015


To get opinions on my destinations I created a survey about what words people associated with each place, and where they think each place is within the world. I also included questions about if people had been to any of the places I had mentioned, to get an idea if their knowledge of the places is influenced by whether they have been to them, or if they are well travelled in general. I also asked what their gender was to see if there was any correlation in male and female responses.
I created my survey on Survey Monkey, a free online survey making website, as I have previously done surveys on Survey Monkey before and it seemed like a reliable and easy website to create my own on. I just used a basic layout and didn't include anything fancy as I wanted it to seem easy and simple to complete, and also so my responses were easy to interpret.

This is the basic appearance of my survey, with spaces for people to type in their own responses, and a multiple choice option for the gender question.
From when I posted this survey on 2 January 2015 I received 14 responses, 5 on the first day, 6 on the second day, and 3 on the third day. I got 10 responses from women and 4 responses from men. At the time when I was collecting my results on 4th January I had only gotten 13 responses however, the 14th response only came in later during the evening after I had organised all my answers, so I chose to ignore those responses.

I put the responses from questions two and three from my survey onto my destinations fact file cards, as these answers were specific to each place, and contributed to the research into that destination. With the answers from question five, about which places people have visited from my selection, I created a Pie Chart, showing which destinations are most visited, and seeing if this has an impact on the responses to the question asking where the places are within the world.
I also created 20 Pie Charts on question three, asking where people thought each place was. I separated my responses into three different categories "wrong" if the answer was wrong in any way, even if part of the answer was correct, "right" if the answer they gave was correct, no matter how vague it was, and "specific" if any added detail was included the response, such as North France for Paris for example. This made it a lot easier for me to produce Pie Charts on this research, and helped me organise my results. I created one Pie Chart for each destination, showing how many people got the answer right, how many people were wrong, and how many people were specific. I created my Pie Charts on the application "Numbers", which is the Apple version of Microsoft Office Excel. I tried to produce the Pie Charts on Illustrator, which I could but it didn't include any percentages about each segment of the Pie Chart, which it did on Numbers. 

I created a grid first on which I have to make my pie charts with, with one destinations taking up one horizontal line.

These are some of the Pie Charts I have produced from my survey results. I couldn't figure out how to include a key for each Pie Chart, I knew how to insert the colours for the key, but not the text aspect of it, so I just chose to hide it and produce an overall one on Illustrator instead. I included titles for each Pie Chart though so that you know what figures correspond to each destination. I chose the blue colour scheme because I wanted a colour that is similar to my fact file card colour scheme of purple, but not purple because I didn't want it to blend into the background.
I created another Pie Chart from question 5, which asked people which places they had been to from my selection, showing how many people had been to each destination, to show the most popular destination.

This is part of the chart I used to produce my Pie Chart on, where I collected my results from the 13 survey responses I received.
This is the Pie Chart I produced, showing how many people have visited each destination. I had to produce my own key for this Pie Chart as well, due to problems inserting the correct place names within the key. I also didn't stick to my colour scheme of blue and purple because for some reason I was only allowed a certain number or shades of colours, and there wasn't enough shades of blue and purple to fill the whole Pie Chart. I tried to choose more aesthetically appealing colours, but this proved difficult. In this question it turns out that Paris is the most visited destination from my selection of places, which makes great sense as it has many famous landmarks and is the closest destination to the UK. 

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