Friday 16 January 2015


Because I am having an acetate cover on my publication, I have to staple bind my publication myself, as the acetate has to be printed on a separate printer. This isn't so much of a problem, it just means that I have to fold the pages myself and find the centre point of them to staple, making sure the staples go in properly. My pages printed off on the printer really well, and I am very pleased with the quality of the colours. The only problem I had was that some of my photographs printed out blurred, but I think this was because of the original quality of the photographs, they weren't meant to be scaled up as much as I had done. Next time when I use photographs off the internet, I must make sure I note their original resolutions and image sizes, so that I can assess if they are appropriate for how I am going to use them. 

Initial printed publication, unbound. 

The quality of colour of my photographs for the acetate front cover is really high, I was surprised at how good the quality of these came out. The white boxes space for the title and my name has also printed out clear instead of a white box, which I knew would happen, but it's a relief to know that it has actually worked. 

The acetate I used to print on had a slight blue tinge to it, which caused no problem with the colour of the photographs, and when you put it against white paper it looks clear as well. But when you place it over black text, as you can see here, it turns the text blue, which isn't ideal really, as I wanted the bold impact of black text, however it's not too much of an interruption of my design.

These are all of my pages splayed out, so you can get a glimpse at all of the pages briefly. This doesn't really show them very well, however you can see the different tops of the pages, and how colourful the pages looks just from the top of the page. 
Final printed publication, staple bound.

This is my staple bound publication front cover. I think that the colours have printed really bright and vibrant, they don't appear faded or anything, which I thought they could do printed on acetate. The title and my name have also lined up really well with the white boxes I have created to frame them, so they're not at an angle or anything.

This is the back cover of my publication. I think that the photographs work really well as a back cover, and I don't feel as though there needs to be any text on the back, as the photographs work well undisturbed. 

The problem with using acetate as a cover, is that even with a lot of scoring the acetate still refuses to fold down flat like the paper. This is just that nature of acetate, although maybe if I have scored it a bit more then it wold lie flat, however I didn't want to risk slicing it in half. 
To solve this problem I produced a sleeve for my publication to fit into, by using the same photographs from the cover, only cropping them down into a strip. I had to resize two of the photographs so that they fit the band, as I got rid of the margins around the edge so it's just continuous images, so some of the photographs frame was now wider than the actual photograph. This meant that some of the photographs were a little bit of a different size to those on the cover, however I don't think this is that noticeable. 

This is the band fitting round the booklet snugly. As you can see the photographs are a little bit off in places so they don't quite match up, however I don't think this is a major problem and not that noticeable either unless you scrutinise it.

Close up shot of the band round the publication, the back cover view. As you can see here the images are slightly off from that on that actual cover.

I secured the band together using pritt stick, as this is what I had on hand at the time. Superglue might of been better to use to ensure that it stayed shut for longer.

This is one of the destination double page spreads from my publication.

This is another example of a double page spread from my publication.

This is the pie chart survey analysis double page spread from my publication. I think the pie charts have sufficient space around them to breathe, so that the page doesn't look cramped. I also think that the pink and green shades of the pie chart look very refreshing against the paper colour, especially with all the space around them.

As you can see when I stapled my pages together I didn't line them up exactly. This could be due to my fault in not lining the paper up properly, or the printers fault for printing the pages slightly off centre. Either way a few of the pages have slight bits of photographs from other pages in the bound centre.

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