Wednesday 7 January 2015


This brief required me to write my own brief to follow, as I had to find a problem within my research and produce a product that resolves this problem. This problem and product is of course going to be completely different for every student depending on what they chose to research for Studio Brief 2, so there was no way for a brief to be written we could follow that was specific enough and applied to everyone. 
This is my brief:

From survey results it has been discovered that many people don’t know the geometrical location of many destinations across the world. Your task is to produce a game that educates people about the positioning of different places within the world.

What is the target audience of the game? Ensure the content is appropriate for the target audience.
Research into existing types of games such as both card and board games, and also games to do with geography and the world, to see what existing products are already available.

The game must educate players on the geographical location of different places across the world. 

A game of some sort educating people on the geographical location of destinations.
Any accompanying aspects of the game other than the main feature.
Blog posts documenting the progression and development of this brief.
Design boards summarising your research and production.

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