Monday 19 January 2015


This module has definitely been very challenging for me, especially with it spreading over Christmas and me having to adapt to working back at home rather than coming into the studio to do work every day. I found this new living situation difficult to motivate myself to do work in, as there always seemed to be so many distractions at home, unlike in the studio where everyone is working and focused around me on similar projects. With it being Christmas well it was hard not to get caught up in the festivities. This module has involved both very long briefs lasting over the Christmas break, which was 3 weeks, and very short briefs, which were the last two briefs we were given, where we had only 2 weeks to complete both of them. This required me to change my working style depending on how long I had for each brief, as for the shorter briefs there was only so much I could produce in the time I as given, however for the longer briefs I was able to go into more depth because I had the time. 
One of my strengths with this module I feel was time management with the actual design work I had to do rather than the blogging. I think I planned my time out really well so that I knew I had enough time to produce my final outcomes. For example with Studio Brief’s 3 and 4 I had 2 weeks to complete both of them, so I dedicated the first week solely to Studio Brief 3, and then the next week to Studio Brief 4, so that I wasn’t switching and changing between the two briefs, and also so that I could focus all my attention on one brief, not confusing the two. I think I also made a lot more use of my time outside of studio time, I stayed behind after the normal day to do extra work in the studio, and towards the end of the module I started coming in earlier as well to get printing done before people started coming in. Towards the end of the module I also came in for a couple of Saturdays as well, to make full use of the studio and to use the facilities here. I also didn’t get so distracted by catch up TV, as I set myself stricter rules that I could only watch catch up TV after I had finished the amount of work I wanted to do for the night, or on weekends when I gave myself a little bit of a break. This allowed me to get more work done productively so that I didn’t have to cram work in so much at the end as I might have had to do otherwise. 
A weakness I feel I have had during this module is presenting my work to a group of my peers in final and interim critiques, as several times I thought I would be okay presenting my work without a digital presentation, and in fact this made it harder for me to present my work, as I had no guidelines to follow, no structure in how I was going to talk about my work, which I could have had if I had made a digital presentation. For the last studio brief I did make a digital presentation for my work, and this made it a lot easier for me to talk about my outcome as I had a structure to follow, and the digital presentation took some of the focus off me which made me feel more comfortable talking. Towards the end of this module I had a lot of practical work to do with my briefs, so I didn’t make time for any blogging, which I really should have done as I had to stay up to the early hours of the morning for the past few days before the submission in order to try and do all of my blogging. For the next module I must try and keep on top of the blogging as I had done for the first two brief’s in this module, doing a blog post a day as I go along so that it doesn’t all mount up.
For the next module, I will make sure that I keep up to date on my blogging, doing a blog a day to make sure I don’t fall behind too far. I will also make sure that I have my final outcomes printed off how I intend on submitting them, on the correct stock and the correct size, so that when I present my work in the final critiques it is at it’s best, so that I can get the most constructive feedback from my peers that is the most accurate. This will also save me time later on in the module when I am working on other brief’s and don’t want to have to think about printing off previous brief’s properly for submission. 

To conclude I am quite pleased with my progress in this course so far, and feel that the work I produced during this module is of a slightly more professional style than the work in my previous module, as I am getting more used to the course and the way that it works.

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