Tuesday, 16 February 2016


Areas to research:
- Ariau Amazon Towers Hotel (showing people the Amazon rainforest in a safe way - still had to chop down trees to build the hotel, and the presence of people and buildings in the heart of the rainforest having a negative effect on wildlife)
- Amazon Charitable Trust - Protects the Amazon rainforest and works with the local communities.
- WWF Deforestation impacts, causes, overview (Deforestation as a whole, rather than the AMazon in particular - good starting point)
- WWF - Transforming Peru's Forest Sector (looks into illegal logging)
- The Guardian on Brazil's Amazon rainforest.
- Greenpeace - Overview of the Amazon rainforest - why save the Amazon, threats to the Amazon, Solutions to Amazon Deforestation
- National Geographic - Last of the Amazon article
- Nature - Battle to stop deforestation - Incendiary measures, forces in the forest, future of the forest.
- The Economist - A Clearing in the Trees article (More facts and figures of the rainforest I think)
- The Guardian - Brazil's Amazon rangers battle burning business logic article (with video)
- Brazil's environmental protections agency Ibama
- National Geographic - Last of the Amazon article
- Live Science - Deforestation facts, figures and causes
- Pachamama - Effects of Deforestation
- Cultural Survival - Deforestation in general
- BBC - Winning the war on deforestation

Specific Topics:
- Greenpeace - Logging in the Amazon
- USA Today - How logging affects the Amazon
- WWF - Illegal logging
- The Guardian - Tracking illegal loggers
- Amazon Rainforest - Indigenous Tribes
- Survival International - Uncontacted Indigenous Tribes
- WWF - Amazon people
- The Telegraph - Video of Indigenous Tribes making first contact with the outside world.
- National Geographic - Rain Forest Warriors (Tribes helping protect the rainforest against ranchers, loggers and miners)
- Tree Hugger - Amazon Tribe nearly extinct due to deforestation
- The Guardian - Tribes cry to help
- Indigenous Rights Group Survival International
- BBC News - Illegal loggers threaten Indigenous people
- Mongabay - Climate Change already felt by indigenous tribes in the Amazon
- WWF - Amazon and climate change
- WWF - Climate change in the Amazon
- PHYS ORG - Amazon rainforest deforestation impacts climate change
- Scientific American - Deforestation in general and it's effect on global warming
- Met Office - Climate change impacts on the rainforest
- AccuWeather - Deforestation of Amazon could alter global weather
- Amazon Watch - Climate change and the Amazon rainforest
- Greenpeace - Cattle ranches chewing up the Amazon rainforest
- Mongabay - Cattle ranching's impact on the Amazon rainforest
- PHYS ORG - Sustainable cattle ranching in the Amazon
- The Nature Conservancy - Helping farmers and ranchers comply with Brazil's Forest Code

I will use these links as a guide to form my research into the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest, as well as other I come across and any other form of research such as documentaries and books. This research will be compiled into some form of publication, potentially a posterzine.

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