Saturday, 16 April 2016


This brief has had many successes but there are also many things that I would of done differently and things that haven't gone as planned.
If I had thought about the screen printing layout and process more carefully at the beginning of the brief, then I could of done all four bank notes instead of only two, simply by changing their layout and positioning on the paper. This is something that can easily be fixed for other briefs purely by just thinking ahead. I would also of experimented more with the Brusho paired with the text and other screen printed information on the bank notes, to see what the final notes will actually look like rather than just jumping straight in. If I would of mocked them up more thoroughly then I would of ensured there was more colour on the right side of the bank note, perhaps extending the Brusho across more of the page making it more abstract and free. After realising the right side was so simple and plain, I would of experimented with different typefaces more, trying a more elaborate one perhaps. I would also of experimented with a patterned number, perhaps multiplied around the main number in lighter shades or in white, just giving more to the note. The main number with a pattern applied to it as a fill would not only increase the security on the note but would also reflect the culture of Brasil as Brasil is a very vibrant, lively country, and I think this should be reflected in the bank notes. To make the notes look less simple I might also of experimented with coloured stock, such as a light green for 2 reais and a light orange for 5 reais, to fill in more of the space and to make the notes more easily recognisable for their value. However this coloured stock might of taken away from the vibrancy of the Brusho colours. If I was to design the notes again, I would of put more effort and thought into the security of the bank notes based off the research I've done, to make them more secure and harder to be forged. I think this is an element that would of made the bank notes look more realistic.
However, something that I was really pleased with was the effect of the Brusho, in how it lights up the bank note and appears not too controlled but still had flair and vibrancy to it. The Brusho element is something that really makes the bank notes, and reflects Brasil's culture really accurately. I am also pleased with the white pattern addition, as this adds a subtle texture and added appearance to the bank notes which you don't see at first but is a subtle addition. I am also pleased with my time management on this brief, as I have finished it really early and in good time for the exhibition.

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