Tuesday, 5 April 2016


Layers of the Brasilian Rainforest:
- Emergent layer - Tree's that are above all the other vegetation, at an average of 135-240ft
- Canopy layer - Under the emergent layer, covers and protects the lower three layers, an intricate maze of branches and leaves
- Understory layer - Plants here grow large leaves in an attempt to receive the little sunlight that shines through. Plants here are typically less than 12ft in height
- Ground or Forest Floor layer - Dark in this layer of the rainforest, so very few plant species can survive. Decomposition takes place here.

Types of plants commonly found in the Brasilian Rainforest:
- Lianas - Climbing vine which winds around the foliage

- Bromeliads - This plant type acts as a mini ecosystem for several species of insects and small creatures. A descendant from the pineapple family

- Saprophytes - Fungi that decompose plant life that lands on the ground layer of the rainforest floor.

- Strangler Fig - This tree begins to grow from a fig tree in the canopy, then shoots roots down to the rainforest floor to take permanent root. It uses a host tree to stabilise itself, and eventually kills the host tree as it competes for soil nutrients and light.

Medicinal plants found in the Brasilian Rainforest:
- Cocoa Tree (headaches, dry lips and skin, coughs, burns, reduce blood pressue, prevent heart disease)

- Kapok Tree (dysentery, fever, kidney disease, asthma)

- Clavillia (medical conditions resulting from bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi)
- Wild Yam (contains a chemical used as natural birth control, to treat menopausal symptoms)

- Cinchona Tree (muscle cramps, headaches, regulate irregular heart rhythms)
- Trumpet Tree (heal wounds, reduce inflammation, infections of the respiratory system)

- Suma (increase blood circulation, regulate blood sugar, increase a healthy appetite, support memory, boost the immune system, lowers blood cholesterol)

Flowering plants found in the Brasilian Rainforest:

Candle bush

Edible plants found in the Brasilian rainforest:


- Cinnamon

Chocolate cocoa beans

- Citrus fruit
- Tamarind

Brasil nut tree

Coconut tree (my own photo)

Sugar Cane


I will take a few of these plants and produce them using mono printing or brusho powders combined with screen printing techniques. One plant will feature on each bank note.

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