Saturday 10 January 2015


After my initial InDesign induction and the research I had undertaken into layout design, and the experimentation I had explored into these layouts, I started producing my publication, following the mock up I had made. Because all but one of the photographs in this publication aren't my own, I had to include the references to the photographs I had used in the publication, so instead of having a massive references page, I tried to include the URL's of the photographs next to the photograph itself, so I made the URL's small and so they aligned along one of the edges of the photograph itself, placing it so that it got in as little way of the main body text as possible. I don't think this looks obstructive at all, as the URL's are only small.

This is my introductory page to my publication. I haven't changed anything about it since my experimentation with introductory pages, because I quite like the layout of the photographs, it looks quirky and different to the rest of the layouts in this publication, due to there being more harsh angles in this layout.
This is the double page triangular photographic spread in the centre of my publication. I am really chuffed with how it has turned out, as I think it looks dynamic and striking, and also a different style kind of to the rest of my publication, as I have used small photographs rather than large ones like in the rest of my publication. I think I have managed to show a lot more snapshots of the destinations in this way than I would with a lot of other layouts, so I am pleased with this.I chose to have a border around the outside of the spread, as I wanted a clean, crisp middle page, and didn't want to faff around with printer margins, so I created my own so that I knew exactly what would and wouldn't print.
This is an example of the layout for one of my destinations, one of the slightly different ones, as the bottom photograph appears to be piercing the top photograph. I really like the green and red contrast of the two photographs, I think they reflect Singapore's beauty and contrasting landscapes really effectively.

This is another example of a slightly different kind of page layout, as the top photograph extends all the way across the width of the spread. I chose this layout for this destination, as I didn't has as much research for Athens as I had other places, so tried to make it appear as though I had more information by filling in a bit of the left page with photographs. I think it works really effectively, and also gives a broader view into Athens as well.
This is my world map and survey analysis introductory page spread. I chose to place my world map vertically so that I could make it larger, so people had more chance of being able to read the place names. I think the world map provides a bit of a break after all of the research pages, as it is a completely different kind of layout style to the rest of my publication, as it has no photographs on it. It allows people to take a breather and just look at it in their own time.
The survey analysis page also hasn't changed since my development on it, as I feel it works very well as it is.

The Pie Charts from my fact file cards in Studio Brief 2 were a little blurred because I had produced them on the Numbers application for Mac. For this brief I recreated them on Illustrator, so they were a lot more clean and precise. I also changed the colours of the Pie Charts because I thought the blue looked a little dull against the full colour photographic style of this publication. I chose a peachy pink, light green and a dark greeny turquoise colours instead, as I didn't want them to appear too girly in colour, but I wanted the colours to look fresh and exotic, as this is what visiting new destinations should feel like. I am really chuffed with these new colour choices, as it brings a fresh new image to an otherwise boring double page spread full of graphs.

I also recreated the visited destinations Pie Chart as well, as I wanted the quality of the pie charts to be consistent. I used pretty much the same colours as the original pie chart, only I used slightly more vibrant colours, and replaced the grey with a nice blue colour instead. I thought this made it look more fresh and new. I had to include a references page in this publication, as most of the information in this publication is from secondary sources, as are the photographs as well, so I had to reference them because they are not my own. I separated the page up into columns so it was less a lump of links, but also so that all the links actually fitted onto one page, as they didn't without the columns. I used the same photographic style for this page to make it look slightly more interesting than what the content has to offer. It also helps to brighten up the page as well I think, and continues the theme of geometrical photographs throughout the whole book, rather than just the destination places.

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