Following on from the feedback I used the post-it note technique to expand upon the key areas of my research, and to almost summarise them really.
The first one was climate change, as I thought this was a pretty major, world reaching area which had a lot to talk about. |
I also looked into cattle ranching, as this is one of the leading causes of deforestation, however I forgot to photograph the post-it notes. What the notes said: one cow to one hectare - unsustainable use of land - move from land to land as areas are exhausted. Deforestation to make land for cattle pastures, soya plantations to feed the cattle. Dry land left behind is susceptible to erosion, forest fires and flooding. Invading into indigenous people's land and destroying it - fewer animals for indigenous people when hunting, LESS FOOD - noise from deforestation machinery driving away animals. BIG agricultural companies are driving cattle ranching. Meat demand increases and so does deforestation - If people stop eating beef, won't be the demand for cattle ranching, deforestation stops - Brasil is the world's largest beef exporter. Land already been destroyed should be maintained sustainably. People are worried they're buying illegally sourced meat in supermarkets across the USA and Europe. Sustainable cattle ranching is being trialled - 2.3 cows to one hectare of land instead of one cow - more sustainable use of land and produce more cattle - field rotations so land doesn't die. Impacts upon climate change and the water cycle due to deforestation.
I then went on to look at logging, as this is the area that most interests me, as I watched a really interesting documentary on it aaaaages ago, which I haven't managed to find. |
Then I thought about all the different areas of deforestation in a much more succinct manner, so that I can get a brief overview of my research so far as a whole. |
I talked to my tutor about this research, honing in on logging, as I felt it was way too broad a subject and I didn't really know where to go with it or how as there's just so much to it. They suggested I should listen to the "Stuff you should know: Timber" podcast, to get a fun, informative take on the forestry industry. They also suggested I should think about the target audience, and who actually benefits from the logging industry, and what the main people involved in it are, such as the workers themselves, what organisations that profit, and the organisations that are supposed to regulate it. They also suggested that I could produce an organisation that not only exports the wood, but that regulates the laws and regulations surrounding it, to make the whole system a lot more sustainable.
I then went on to think about who is going to be my target audience, thinking about all the different people I could use as my target audience, and those who would profit from the deforestation of the rainforest. Some of these included shipping companies, children of the Amazon, politicians of an area e.g Mato Grosso. |
This mind mapping has been really useful to get a clearer understanding of how this brief is going to pan out, and to start to narrow things down a bit more, focusing on key areas rather than deforestation as a whole. The next stage will be to do identify the issue exactly, then the possible different solutions, and then choose one solution and roll with it.
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