Sunday, 8 May 2016


To get a clearer idea of what I'm actually going to do, I produced a series of mind maps exploring key stages.

I started off my defining the different problems with logging. Some of these include noise from logging is scaring away indigenous people's animals, logging destroys animals, plants and indigenous peoples natural habitats, and workers lacking knowledge of how to log sustainability.

I then selected a problem from the ones stated, I chose logging is hard to monitor due to IBAMA's lack of funding. I then explored solutions to this problem such as having a fundraising event within IBAMA to raise money, create a volunteer charity service with those loving in the Amazon already to help monitor it, and introduction of drones.

One solution was to introduce drones into the area to help monitor the situation. Some of the outcomes I could produce for this problem are a drone manufacturing company, perhaps to specifically monitor the world's rainforests. Also a YouTube channel showing the drones videos, or even in infographic of how drones can help protect the rainforest.

I also chose another solution, to promote IBAMA to get international, celebrity and charity funding. Outcomes for this solution could be a project pack when you support IBAMA, skydiving event to raise money, and app where you can play factual but fun games, or even an interactive campaign or website.

I chose the promote IBAMA solution, and then expanded upon the outcomes. Though about a start up kit for when you join IBAMA and what it could contain. I also thought about what the start up kit would be for, is it to help you become more sustainable, or how to fundraise for IBAMA.

All of these mind maps were really useful to help narrow down what I'm going to produce for this project, however I'm still struggling with how broad it is and exactly what I'm going to produce and WHY more importantly, as my outcome should benefit the rainforest in a positive way somehow. I think I should discuss my ideas with someone and perhaps try and identify exactly what it is that needs to be produced.

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